System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
botpasswords-updated-title (talk) (Translate) | Bot password updated |
brackets (talk) (Translate) | [$1] |
broken-file-category (talk) (Translate) | Pages with broken file links |
broken-file-category-desc (talk) (Translate) | The page contains a broken file link (a link to embed a file when the file does not exist). |
brokenredirects (talk) (Translate) | Broken redirects |
brokenredirects-delete (talk) (Translate) | delete |
brokenredirects-edit (talk) (Translate) | edit |
brokenredirects-summary (talk) (Translate) | |
brokenredirectstext (talk) (Translate) | The following redirects link to non-existent pages: |
bydate (talk) (Translate) | by date |
cachedspecial-refresh-now (talk) (Translate) | View latest. |
cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ts (talk) (Translate) | You are viewing a cached version of this page, which might not be completely actual. |
cachedspecial-viewing-cached-ttl (talk) (Translate) | You are viewing a cached version of this page, which can be up to $1 old. |
cancel (talk) (Translate) | Cancel |
cannotauth-not-allowed (talk) (Translate) | You are not allowed to use this page |
cannotauth-not-allowed-title (talk) (Translate) | Permission denied |
cannotchangeemail (talk) (Translate) | Account email addresses cannot be changed on this wiki. |
cannotcreateaccount-text (talk) (Translate) | Direct account creation is not enabled on this wiki. |
cannotcreateaccount-title (talk) (Translate) | Cannot create accounts |
cannotdelete (talk) (Translate) | The page or file "$1" could not be deleted. It may have already been deleted by someone else. |
cannotdelete-title (talk) (Translate) | Cannot delete page "$1" |
cannotlink-no-provider (talk) (Translate) | There are no linkable accounts. |
cannotlink-no-provider-title (talk) (Translate) | There are no linkable accounts |
cannotlogin-text (talk) (Translate) | Logging in is not possible. |
cannotlogin-title (talk) (Translate) | Cannot log in |
cannotloginnow-text (talk) (Translate) | Logging in is not possible when using $1. |
cannotloginnow-title (talk) (Translate) | Cannot log in now |
cannotlogoutnow-text (talk) (Translate) | Logging out is not possible when using $1. |
cannotlogoutnow-title (talk) (Translate) | Cannot log out now |
cannotundelete (talk) (Translate) | Some or all of the undeletion failed: $1 |
cant-move-category-page (talk) (Translate) | You do not have permission to move category pages. |
cant-move-subpages (talk) (Translate) | You do not have permission to move subpages. |
cant-move-to-category-page (talk) (Translate) | You do not have permission to move a page to a category page. |
cant-move-to-user-page (talk) (Translate) | You do not have permission to move a page to a user page (except to a user subpage). |
cant-move-user-page (talk) (Translate) | You do not have permission to move user pages (apart from subpages). |
cantcreateaccount-range-text (talk) (Translate) | Account creation from IP addresses in the range <strong>$1</strong>, which includes your IP address (<strong>$4</strong>), has been blocked by [[User:$3|$3]]. The reason given by $3 is <em>$2</em> |
cantcreateaccount-text (talk) (Translate) | Account creation from this IP address (<strong>$1</strong>) has been blocked by [[User:$3|$3]]. The reason given by $3 is <em>$2</em> |
cantmove-titleprotected (talk) (Translate) | You cannot move a page to this location because the new title has been protected from creation. |
cantrollback (talk) (Translate) | Cannot revert edit; last contributor is only author of this page. |
captcha-addurl (talk) (Translate) | Your edit includes new external links. To protect the wiki against automated spam, we kindly ask you to solve the following task below and enter the answer in the box in order to save your edit ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]): |
captcha-addurl-whitelist (talk) (Translate) | #<!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> <pre> # Syntax is as follows: # * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment # * Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts inside URLs #</pre> <!-- leave this line exactly as it is --> |
captcha-apihelp-param-captchaid (talk) (Translate) | CAPTCHA ID from previous request |
captcha-apihelp-param-captchaword (talk) (Translate) | Answer to the CAPTCHA |
captcha-badlogin (talk) (Translate) | To protect the wiki against automated password cracking, we kindly ask you to solve the following task below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]): |
captcha-create (talk) (Translate) | To create the page, please solve the following task below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]): |
captcha-createaccount (talk) (Translate) | To protect the wiki against automated account creation, we kindly ask you to solve the following task below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]): |
captcha-createaccount-fail (talk) (Translate) | Incorrect or missing CAPTCHA. |
captcha-desc (talk) (Translate) | Provides CAPTCHA techniques to protect against spam and password-guessing |
captcha-disabledinapi (talk) (Translate) | This action requires a CAPTCHA, so it cannot be performed through the API. |
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