Talk:Category Rebranding

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I don't know how discussion pages are supposed to work exactly. The following words are from DansSRL:

I like the following premise: common categories get short names. I'll explain a bit more about why I like the premise, and how I think it applies.

any% without tools, GT code, or OoB, allowing minor glitches and other things that not many people call glitches, so long as it remains the most common category, should remain any%. I am trying to point out that there are a slew of restrictions we apply to "any%" without ever saying it. Even if you add "4 boss" or "no GT code", etc, there is always another distinction to be made. You can never encode the entirety in a name. Instead, the name is simply a symbol and they should be chosen for convenience. The specific definition of a run comes from the community, hopefully documented (and updated) somewhere (here!).

A run that is like any% in every way except allows GT code can be called any% GT code, or even just GT code if any% is implied if a % is not specified. Let's be honest, even if the community decides any% is "any% no s+q" I'm not going to write that in my stream title because it's too long (I'm serious), hard to remember, and keep track of. There's no need for revolutions. Or I'd just call it "Super Metroid".

Here's an example. Naming any% "any% no OoB, no GT code" is like describing red snowflakes that float upward as "snowflakes", and snowflakes as "white snowflakes that fall down". I understand the counterargument that "any%" doesn't describe much. It sounds like "beat the game as fast as possible" (saying you can have any number of items itself is the lack of a restriction, not a restriction). But, again, adding "no OoB" and "no GT code" doesn't describe much either. Are you allowed to start from a previously saved game? Can you use a turbo controller? So I think we're forced to have relatively unpowerful names. Let's at least make them convenient.

There are some names which are more complicated. Instead of specifying a route, they specify a run that is the utmost in some aspect. For example, the 14% ice run was called low% for a long time because it was the fastest way to complete the game (as a human) with the lowest possible number of items. The "glitched" modifier is similar -- if a GT code run at one point was called glitched, it loses that name when Early Tourian is discovered. I'd say that these distinctions should be clear. When someone invents a 7% run that uses OoB, it should be called 7% OoB, and it may temporarily having the honor of being called "low%", but it will only ever be temporary. Let's call these things labels to be clear about the distinction between run names and run labels.

Here's my thinking on how this applies to the current situation: any% - remains any%. It's the most common category, and the category against which all others are compared, the default. GT code is banned, and OoB is banned. Mockballs, short charges, and clips are allowed. It is measured in real time. You can save and quit. You are not required to kill all bosses, but are forced to kill the majority of them naturally. I think any% is the best name for this simply because it is already the name for this.

100% - remains 100%. It is any%, except you must pick up a specific number of items, namely 100%. 100% OoB might be a different viable run at some point.

14% and its three variants, ice, speed, and xice. Only 14% ice and 14% speed may be labeled low%, because low% says "any% rules but only collect as many items as you need to complete the game". This means OoB is still banned.

9% OoB - because 9% is not possible without OoB, this can be called just 9%, but this might not always be the case, if a non-OoB 9% run were discovered. 9% would actually be like a label in this case, meaning "as much like any% as possible but only collecting 9% of items".

8% OoB - can currently be labeled as low% OoB.

RBO - you kill the bosses in reverse order. Doing LN in reverse would make it an RBO OoB run. Doing GT code would make it an RBO GT code. You could additionally collect 100% of items. Defining a low% RBO would be hard because of uncertainties with necessary health in LN.

GT code - GT code classic

any% OoB GT code - currently labeled as glitched any% which I think is much easier.

100% map - why isn't there a low% items 100% map completion run? Because people take any% and modify it. This modification is to get a full map.

any% game time - any% but optimizing game time, not real time

Thanks for reading! DansSRL

"I don't know how discussion pages are supposed to work exactly." Me neither, but I will add some words from Belthasar:

I agree with most of what Dan said. I do think Ivan had the best solution (which is mostly what Dan wrote):

[16:56] <@ivan> 9/10 - any% glitched
[16:56] <@ivan> 8 - low% glitched
[16:56] <@ivan> current glithed any% - any% GT code
[16:56] <@ivan> GT Classic
[16:56] <@ivan> any%

This way the current low% categories don't have to change. Except for xice which could be either 14% xice or just xice.


I have modified the wiki to reflect all the new category names, based on what seems to be popular opinion. Discussion is still open for any changes that would be better than the current changes, but I at least wanted to move forward on something so we can come closer to agreement on the category names.

- Strae