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Super Metroid Category
1:23 IGT
Full Category
World Record Holder
World Record Holder:

Category Details

Start Timer:
On Start Game
Stop Timer:
Entering Ship Animation
Begin At:
Ceres Station
End At:
End of Zebes Escape
Major Bosses:
Boss Order:

Here is a playlist showing the current workings in research. This is currently a work in progress, so be patient.

Important Keywords

All the 12 buttons´ corresponding actions will individually be refered to via simple keywords given by "left_", "right_", "up_", "down_", "select_", "start_", "angle_down", "angle_up", "shot_", "jump_", "dash_", "cancel_". For all those keywords, corresponding instructions will be defined using variations of those keywords (e.g. via capitalization or full caps). For the case that Samus faces left, "backwards_" is defined as "right_", and vice versa.

Instructions for actions with (immediate) exit condition:

The instruction to start pressing a given action (represented by such keyword) and holding it until a certain audio cue occurs will be denoted via "[Button/Sound]" (where the "Button" part in a concrete case is to be substituted by a keyword, and "Sound" analogously) using capitalization of the first letter of each word that is part of the keyword, together with a (beforehand defined) sound cue keyword. Example: [Angle_Up/Samus_lands]. If provided/possible, an upper bound for the reaction time (represented in form of another sound cue keyword or a time value) for the "Sound" part can be added the following ways [Button/Sound/n_seconds] or [Button/Sound/Sound2], where n is some natural number and "Sound2" refers to another sound cue keyword. Examples: [Angle_up/Samus_lands/2_seconds], [Left/Samus_lands/Samus_gets_hurt].

Instructions for actions that are (only) bounded from below (time wise):

The instruction to start pressing a given action and holding it "long enough" (where, if wanted, some upper bound for the time that the button needs to be held at least can be added in a scheme as above) will be denoted by the full caps expression of the corresponding keyword. Example with and without given lower bound: [RIGHT_/3_seconds], RIGHT_.

If provided/possible, some lower bound for the time that the action shall be pressed can be added in form of a sound cue keyword: [Sound/BUTTON_/n_seconds]. Example: [Samus_lands/LEFT/5_seconds].

Instructions for tap actions that are (only) bounded from above (time wise):

The instruction to start pressing a given action and releasing it as fast as possible will be denoted by "button_tap", where the "button" part is for concrete cases to be substituted with a keyword. If provided/possible, an upper bound for the time that the action shall be pressed can be added like this: [button_tap/n_seconds] or [button_tap/Sound]. Example: [left_tap/15_frames].

List of fundamental methods (with suitable corresponding keywords) that generate normalized movement [to be added: automatic turnaround spinjumps with direction released/held (by holding jump_ while Samus is in a (non-centered) standing stationary pose and tapping backwards_ or pressing and holding it, respectively), stationary crouchlock turnaround jumps (by entering the pause screen while Samus is in crouch pose, unpausing the game while holding backwards_ and then pressing and holding jump_), crouchlock turnaround spinjumps (by entering the pause screen while Samus is in crouch pose and unpausing the game while holding jump_ and backwards_, and then pressing up_), diagonal bombjumps from ground in ballform/crouch/standing pose (by laying a bomb on ground, quickly pressing up_ once to unmorph (and another time up_ to stand up) then backwards_ (and down_, for the ballform case)),...]:

Other normalized movement methods are:

Holding L+R (to aim up vertically) in crouched or standing pose on ground prevents Samus from starting to walk/run to the other side when turning around (and thus increases the leniency/window of error for holding the other direction too long from a few frames to infinity), which can in general be used for turnarounds. Then, if one holds L+R in standing or crouched pose on ground and holds Forwards, Samus will not move forwards but stand still, and if one then presses and holds Jump while L+R+Forwards is held, Samus will execute a full jump forwards and when Samus lands, she will again stand still, and this can be done from a crouched pose and standing pose for different jumps. Furthermore, for Auto-Turnaround-Spinjumps where one holds the direction that the spinjump goes (to bypass ledges and not stop the horizontal movement when colliding with them), if one adds holding L+R during such a spinjump, Samus will not move after she lands on ground. So effectively, the lenience for releasing the direction that the spinjump goes early enough such that Samus will not walk on ground can be increased to infinite frames. During a Downback, one can hold L+R additionally aswell, to ensure Samus will not keep moving as soon as she lands on the ground. If one has Moonwalk turned on, moonwalks while holding an angle button and presses and holds jump (while still holding backwards), Samus executes a short small hop followed by a full stationary jump towards the opposite direction in a normalized way. There is also 2 memory addresses, 7E0AF4 and 7E0AF5, and they both reset when the Jump button is released, and both count up together (with the first address incrementing by 1 every frame and looping back to 0 after 255, and the 2nd address incrementing by 1 every time the 1st address loops) as long as Jump is held, and as soon as the 2nd address reached 128 (i.e. after 65536/2 frames to enter the negative values range), Samus will automatically (without having to repress Jump) jump once she lands from a jump in unspinned standing pose, or as soon as a turnaround (in crouch or standing, even if any angle buttons or Up are held) (but not if one entered the falling state mid-air and turned around before landing on ground); and this automatic process could be used to execute consistent input setups that go beyond the usual limitations.

List of sound cue keywords (to be filled up by preferably unique and distinguishable noises that the game will play consistently/with certainty instead of possibly leaving them out; if needed, different instances that together constitute a given sound cue keyword can be split up, and keywords can be shortened/abbreviated):

- Samus_lands_soft (after falling as ball, or in stationary pose, or in spinjump pose, but not in soft-unmorph manner. The sound is softer and more silent in comparison to Samus_lands_hard and appears if the height of the fall is lower than the total height you can jump with a full jump without highjump boots. Common audio cue if you wanna jump onto a platform and need confirmation if you actually landed ontop of it.)

-Samus_lands_hard (after falling as ball, or in stationary pose, or in spinjump pose, but not in soft-unmorph manner. The sound is harder and louder in comparison to Samus_lands_soft and appears if the height of the fall is higher than or equal to the total height you can jump with a full jump without highjump boots. Common audio cue if you wanna jump onto a platform since it tells you that you didnt land on top of it but rather somewhere lower or on the exact same height you jumped of from.)

- Samus_gets_hurt (for the case that Samus starts getting hurt via enemy, spike, or projectile contact, or heat, lava, acid, or Draygon turrets, rainbow beam)

- ...



align to left wall (standing) at bottom of climb room, hold Shot for autofire, aim Up, jump to kill 1st left pirate ASJ->, ASJ->, ASJ<-, turn right, hold Shot, do some jump (1 should suffice, but can make sure with few more vert jumps) to kill right pirate [where ASJ means automatic spinjump, left/right] then ASJ<- (with holding the direction during the spinjump to get past some ledge, but there is a large window for error to release Left before landing and thus running off platform) aim up, hold shot, jump to kill next pirate ASJ->, ASJ->, ASJ-> where Right is held for 3rd one during early part of spinjump ASJ<-, ASJ->, ASJ<-, ASJ-> with Right held for last one again(edited) ASJ<-, ASJ->, ASJ->, ASJ<-, kill pirate with hor autofire shot(s) (he cant hit samus) ASJ-> (with Right being held), ASJ<-, shoot up for next pirate, ASJ->, ASJ->, ASJ<- ASJ->, ASJ<-, somewhat quickly turn right, hold shot until next pirate is dead, ASJ->, ASJ->, ASJ<-(edited) ASJ->, ASJ<-, shoot up, ASJ->, ASJ->, ASJ<-, kill pirate with hor shot again, he cant hit samus ASJ->, ASJ<-, shoot upwards, ASJ->, ASJ->, ASJ<-,ASJ->, ASJ<-, somewhat quickly shoot up again, somewhat quickly turn right(edited) hold shoot until last pirate is dead, ASJ->, ASJ<- full vert jump, tap right midair, ASJ<-, shoot up, vert jump through door

Neglecting pirates that need to be killed, the combination of full turnaround spinjumps (R for a turnaround-spinjump to the right and L to the left) to get up the climb room is given by:

Align to left wall, RRLR, RLRLRL, (RLRL LRL)°5, RLR, LLRR, LRR, crouchjump with short tap to the right higher up, L

Path towards Ridley: TODO