Ice Beam

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Ice Beam
Location Ice Beam Room, Norfair
Effect Increases beam damage and adds freezing effect

Ice Beam is a beam upgrade that modestly increases the damage of Samus's beam and applies a freezing property to the beam. When an enemy that can be frozen is struck by the beam, and the beam's damage would have brought that enemy to or below zero health, it will cause the enemy to be frozen.

It is acquired in the majority of categories, although it takes a variable amount of time to obtain depending on what items Samus has at the time of attempting to obtain it.

Ice Beam allows for swift and safe destruction of Metroids in Tourian (as otherwise, they would require multiple Power Bomb explosions to destroy), and can be used for various tricks, like the Mochtroid clip and Zebetite skip.

The freeze effect lasts for 400 frames, except in Norfair when it only lasts 300 frames.

Unequipping Ice Beam will unfreeze all frozen enemies immediately.

If you're touching a frozen enemy as you're jumping, Samus's vertical subpixel value will be reset to 0 each frame, increasing the height of her jump:

Ice Beam provides the following increase in damage:

Without Damage With Damage Multiplier
Power Beam 20 Ice 30 ×1.5
Spazer 40 I+S 60 ×1.5
Wave Beam 50 I+W 60 ×1.2
Wave+Spazer 70 I+W+S 100 ×1.43
Plasma 150 W+P 200 ×1.33
Wave+Plasma 250 I+W+P 300 ×1.2

See also

See complete List of Items