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(Just putting this info here before I lose it. If you find an improvement, or analyze something I haven't gotten to yet, feel free to message me on Discord.)
(No difference)

Revision as of 20:07, 14 November 2021

I have notes on this, but I have a tendency to lose them. So I will put them here.

Note this is the limit of RTA possibility. These are tested in the practice hack, with savestates used at door transitions. Thus it would be "theoretically possible" to stitch it together RTA. I make no claims about how easy this is to do, or that the RNG would be viable to grind for. I am using savestates at door transitions to make it more viable for me to do this analysis in my spare time; maybe at some point very down the line, I'll get full RTA clips of the methods.

Also, frame perfect pauses are not to be abused. I try to limit them to at most two in the whole run, but if I pull off something with three it'll be remarked on below. However, pausing itself is allowed. With a reserve tank, using about 10 health every pause is close to RTA optimal.

Finally, these hell runs are for "all possible 100% item orders", in some sense. Thus, they are (1) NMG, (2) vanilla conditions (so morph, bombs, 1 missile pack, and 1 super pack are always assumed), (3) I care about whether an item can be avoided (e.g., dodge Wave Missiles before getting Wave), and (4) in Upper Norfair I am limited to considering 3 Crystal Flashes worth of ammo (since two power bomb packs are locked in Lower Norfair).

This consideration is also NTSC. The hell runs would be easier on PAL, and more items could potentially be cut.

Upper Norfair


For Ice, it is "simple" to complete this hell run with either 1 tank or 1 crystal flash. This is done here:

It turns out it is possible to do this with no additional items. This is done by: (1) getting to Ice by using at most one super to get the Sova out of the way (as done in above clip), (2) using 3 supers to farm the Sova and return to Ice room, (3) using 2 missiles and 1 super to farm the Sova and return, (4) using the remaining 3 missiles to farm the Sova and leave (since returning wastes too much health, a mockball leaving while grabbing the health drops is optimal).

The RNG needed for this is fairly insane. If you have either Spazer, Wave, or Plasma, then you can Sova farm repeatedly instead of doing ammo farming like the above.

TODO: Get a clip of an example, optimal Sova farm to show how this would be done.

Conclusion: Requires no additional items.


The Cathedral hell run allows getting to Bubble Mountain. Note that as soon as you can Crystal Flash, you can Elevator Crystal Flash and then go through Frog Speedway. Thus, Crystal Flashes do not have to be considered for this hell run.

It is "simple" to complete this hell run with 2 tanks. The hardeset part is the very first room. I do this with a single bomb after wall jumping from the wall, which is optimal. This could be replaced by getting a couple good RNG health drops.

TODO: Get a clip.

It is possible with only 1 tank. This probably requires the above single bomb jump, and definitely requires getting multiple RNG health drops.

TODO: Get a clip.

Conclusion: Requires 1 etank or 1 rtank (no crystal flash consideration given due to alternative route).

Cathedral Missiles

For the missile item, crystal flashes have to be considered.

It is "simple" to complete this hell run with 3 tanks. In fact, this may be my easiest "simple" claim yet.

TODO: Get a clip

I have additionally confirmed: 1 Reserve Tank (using pause abuse) and 1 Energy Tank + 1 Crystal Flash.

TODO: Get clips?

I attempted 0 tank, with 3 Crystal Flashes. This appears to be impossible: On your way to the item, a Crystal Flash needs to be done. Due to high damage during the lava bath, a Crystal Flash needs to be done before entering the lava. Again due to this high damage, a Crystal Flash needs to be done immediately afterwards. Now you will not have enough health to return.

I am not fully convinced the above is impossible, with appropriate use of RNG health drops. But all of my attempts have failed.

Conclusion: 2 Energy Tanks, (1 Energy Tank + Crystal Flash), or 1 Reserve Tank.

Bubble Mountain Items

The two items we refer to are the item in Bubble Mountain, and the item immediately through the door in the top left (Green Bubbles Missiles?).

These two items are easy to get, without additional equipment. They can even be gotten while you have a blue suit, if you came through Frog Speedway with no tanks and you have to return.

Conclusion: 1 Energy Tank, 1 Reserve Tank, or 1 Crystal Flash.

Norfair Reserve

It is "simple" to collect this item with 1 Tank.

TODO: Get a clip

By using three big 20 health drops from the Sova, it is possible to collect this item with only one Crystal Flash. Farming the Sova requires: An additional missile pack, an additional super pack, Spazer, Wave, or Plasma. I have not really tested farming them with pea shooter, but it seems too slow given how tight it is. It is the only potential improvement, though.

Note the Crystal Flash can be done after the Reserve collection, which makes the return trip trivial.

TODO: Get a clip

Conclusion: 1 Tank, or (1 Crystal Flash + (3 Missiles or 3 Supers or Spazer or Wave or Plasma)).

Norfair Reserve Missiles

By using a Flatley on top of the missile pack after shooting it open, it is possible to collect this item without falling in the lava.

By using the Norfair Reserve strategy, it is possible to get to this item and then Crystal Flash afterwards.

Thus, the only potential issue is the return trip. This can be done with a Tank, just like the Tank strategy for the Reserve (you don't even have to go as far, so it is easier). This can also be done with a Crystal Flash, at least by using a power bomb to kill the Geruta in the first room on your return trip to get some more health.

Since the Crystal Flash is done after getting the missile pack, then one less missile pack is required. Otherwise, this has the same requirements as the Norfair Reserve item.

Conclusion: 1 Tank or (1 Missiles + 2 Supers + 3 PBs + (2 Missiles or 3 Supers or Spazer or Wave or Plasma))

Wave Missiles

It is "simple" to collect this item with 2 tanks.

TODO: Get a clip?

It is also possible with a single Tank. It would be an easier variant of the single Tank strategy for Wave below.

Finally, I confirmed it is possible with a single Crystal Flash, using a similar strategy.

TODO: Get a clip?

The Crystal Flash must be done long before collecting the Wave Missiles, which is unfortunate. Note no additional items are needed to open the first door, since the door can be opened and then one can return to Bubble Mountain with no additional items.

Conclusion: 1 Tank or 1 Crystal Flash.


Wave is similar to Wave Missiles, except slightly farther away. Thus, a 1 Tank strategy works:

I could not get a single Crystal Flash to work. The issue is the slight bit of extra distance to Wave is too far. I have not properly tested trying this with collecting Wave Missiles, and having Speed and Space Jump. It still seems very unlikely to be possible, but is a potential improvement.

However, two Crystal Flashes works.

TODO: Get a clip

Note ammo is needed to open the door.

Conclusion: 1 Tank or (2 Crystal Flashes and (5 Missiles or 5 Supers))

Speed Booster

It is "simple" to get this item with 2 Tanks.

TODO: get a clip.

It is also possible with 1 Energy Tank and 1 Crystal Flash. This is not really that different.

I have additionally confirmed it is possible with: 1 Reserve Tank, or 3 Crystal Flashes. Both of these strategies are incredibly precise.

TODO: Clips of hard strategies?

My notes remark on a potential strategy of using the Metarees to farm a big 20 on entry and the return. Optimally setting up the Gamets on entry, it is theorized that 1 Energy Tank may be sufficient. However, all attempts have required too many frame perfect pauses. Maybe with faster arm pumping it is possible?

There is a potential interaction of the many Crystal Flash strategy with Speed Missiles, by collecting these to have enough ammo for the Crystal Flashes. Given how tight the 3 Crystal Flash strategy was, I am not sure this would be possible. It is a potential improvement.

Note you need ammo for the door.

Conclusion: 2 Energy Tanks or 1 Reserve Tank or (1 Energy Tank + 1 Crystal Flash + (3 Missiles or 3 Supers)) or (3 Crystal Flashes + (7 Missiles or 7 Supers))

Speed Missiles

This is similar to Speed Booster.

As a first note, if you have Speed Booster then you can collect this item. The items needed to collect Speed Booster and having Speed Booster itself more than allows collection.

Without Speed Booster, 2 Energy Tanks is possible. This can be done by using Metarees for some health drops, and maybe needing one frame perfect pause after the transition into the Gamet refill room.

1 Energy Tank and 1 Crystal Flash is an easier strategy. This is with opening the door.

I have yet to really investigate tighter strategies for this item. It is my least favorite of the Upper Norfair hell runs. Given how tight the Speed Booster hell runs are, I find it unlikely an improvement really exists. However, as remarked in the Speed Booster section, there is a potential interaction with Speed Booster that might make other strategies possible: Maybe collecting Speed Missiles, and then collecting Speed Booster (without returning between collection) would make strategies possible.

The other thing to look at is strategies that do not have sufficient ammo to open the door. The issue here is that the crumble bridges will not have reformed. I looked into this once, but cannot find my notes and do not relish again figuring out the optimal bridges to jump over so that they are still intact on the return trip.

Thus, this item is fairly poorly investigated thus far.

Conclusion: Speed Booster or 2 Tanks or (1 Tank and Crystal Flash and (3 Missiles or 3 Supers)).

Crocomire Escape Missiles

It is not "simple" to collect this item with 1 Energy Tank, but it is possible.

TODO: Get a clip.

All remaining investigations thus need to have 0 Tanks. It is somewhat simple to collect with a Crystal Flash and (Space Jump or Grapple), by using strategies similar to the above. It turns out that either (Hi-Jump+Speed) or Spring Ball is also sufficient to make it up to the ledge in time with these strategies.

TODO: Get clips?

But what about without additional items? By using two Crystal Flashes, starting the run with a stored spark, with the first Crystal Flash converting it to a blue suit so the spark is maintained, and properly sparking, it is possible to make it. This might be the stupidest strat I've found yet.

It may be possible with 0 Tanks and 1 Crystal Flash by properly killing half of the Geruta with the power bomb for the Crystal Flash, killing the second part to get another health drop, collecting both health drops while running and doing a short jump to land on a closer ledge, and then doing diagonal double bomb jumps up to the ledge. This is similar to the Spring Ball strategy, but the Spring Ball strategy is very, very tight and this should be slightly slower. This is the only potential improvement.

Note with Crystal Flash strategies, you need a Super to open the gate. Otherwise you would need to Crystal Flash again, and then you have the Super needed to open the gate.

Conclusion: 1 Tank or (2 Crystal Flashes + 5 Supers) or (1 Crystal Flash + 3 Supers + (Space or Grapple or Spring or (Hi-Jump + Speed)))

Crumble Shaft Missiles

From the top, you can collect these with no additional items other than the Power Bombs needed to access them.

From the bottom, you would need Speed (since a Crystal Flash gives you power bombs and then you can come from the top). If you have Speed Booster, then you have at least 1 Tank. This item can be collected with Speed and 1 Tank.

TODO: Clip

This is optimal. This hell run is simply shorter than the hell run to get to Speed.

Conclusion: Power Bombs or Speed.

Getting to Crocomire and back

The hell run from Bubble Mountain to Crocomire is short enough that it can be done with 0 tanks in either direction, even with a blue suit. Note all items in Crocomire's area can be collected while maintaining a blue suit, and without additional items.

TODO: Clip

Conclusion: No additional items are needed.

Escaping Bubble Mountain

It is possible to get to Bubble Mountain such that you cannot escape.

Going via Crocomire Escape Missiles, it is possible with a single Tank. This also allows escaping with two Crystal Flashes. Thus, the only way you can be stuck is if you have 0 Tanks, used a stored spark from a Crystal Flash, and have since lost or used this spark.

Any hell run (except getting to Crocomire) requires not having a blue suit if you only have a single Crystal Flash. Thus, a blue suit cannot be maintained for these items after entering.

The items currently accessible with a single Crystal Flash and no Tanks are: Norfair Reserve, Norfair Reserve Missiles, and Wave Missiles.

The first item, Norfair Reserve, would allow escape. The second two items may softlock you in Bubble Mountain

This is important to remember for considering all possible item orders. You are never actually stuck: You can, for example, make it to Crocomire and collect the Energy Tank here. It simply limits the available items, in this incredibly rare circumstance.

Lower Norfair

Lower Norfair is more of a pain. I have not truly begun analysis on it yet, beyond doing some basic stuff. I separate out the pieces below.

G-mode Entry

This is possible with a blue suit with 2+3 Energy+Reserve Tanks. I would want to see if the blue suit can be cut. This also implies that 1 Reserve + Crystal Flash is enough (with blue suit, if it is required, but pause abuse from the Reserve should make it unlikely to be required). This gets you to the Firefleas area.

Lava Dive

There is a lot to consider here: Hi-Jump, Hi-Jump-less, a stored spark, Spring Ball...

I think any method could go to the GT Refill and have this not be a negative, since lava hurts so much. Thus, I think it makes sense to just carry this hell run forward to the GT Refill.

Note that on the elevator, it is possible to frame perfectly pause at the bottom and not die. This single frame perfect pause may be used frequently for strategies that collect Reserve Tanks.

GT Area Farming

With Crystal Flash strats, the farming strats here should be confirmed. Using the Ripper 2's to farm Supers, and using the Violas to farm power bombs, but then returning to the refill room.

Also, the Ripper 2's can be used to farm Reserve health to full.

There is one issue with lack of Missile farming locations...

Killing GT

From the GT Refill, we have to consider killing GT. This analysis should be done after the Lava Dive one, so the minimum Tank / CF amounts are known. This is because I am sure this fight can be done with incredibly low equipment, by getting good RNG off of the spit.

Going to GT Missiles

After GT is killed, it should be tested if getting to GT missiles can be done off minimal equipment for Lava Dive. I think it should be doable? If it isn't, other options might have to be tested.

Mickey Mouse Missiles

Again, it should be tested if Mickey Mouse Missiles can be collected with minimal equipment from Lava Dive. There are some issues with the big Dessgeega, but maybe Reverse Pillars can be done instead.

WRITG and Amphitheater to Firefleas

I think it should be possible to make it with minimal equipment from Lava Dive.

Once we make it to Firefleas, we can, of course, farm to full Energy, Missiles, Supers, and Power Bombs.

Lower Norfair Escape Items

These items should be confirmed to be possible. The hardest would be Three Musketeers, assuming G-mode entry with 1 Reserve and 1 Crystal Flash. But with pause abuse on the Reserve, this feels like it should be possible.

Lower Norfair Escape

The health requirement for escaping should be confirmed as well.

Power Bombs of Shame

Health requirement here should be checked.

Fighting Pirate farming requirements

It is possible to positively farm the Fighting Pirates using Speed Booster. The requirements should be checked (i.e., the energy requirements to get here to start doing the farm).

Pre-Ridley farming requirements

It is possible to positively farm the bugs in the pre-Ridley room. Note this can be done with no additional items, by creatively using three bugs. The requirements to get here should be checked.


For Ridley, you start from pre-Ridley farming, go to kill, and then go up to drops spawning. These drops (with good RNG) should be sufficient to get back to pre-Ridley farming.

Ridley has many different ammo combinations that would work.

There is also the G-mode fight. This trivializes the analysis to getting to pre-Ridley farming, if you did the G-mode entry. This has the benefit of assuming Lava Dive entry for the Ridley fight, which may end up requiring a significant number of Tanks or Crystal Flashes.

Return to Firefleas

This should be done from pre-Ridley farming, or from Fighting Pirate farming if Speed Booster. Getting back should not really be notably different than getting here, so hopefully they have similar requirements.