- 1 Runs can be sorted by type (NTSC vs PAL, KRPD vs PRKD, IGT vs RTA)
- 2 Combining Pros/Cons
- 3 API
- 4 FAQ
- 5 leaderboards page can be customized to look very much like deertier
- 6 Deertier isn't necessarily lacking in anything. It keeps track of pb times well and that's all it needs to do.
- 7's search feature is confusing and/or broken (pressing enter reloads page?)
Runs can be sorted by type (NTSC vs PAL, KRPD vs PRKD, IGT vs RTA)
I would like to take the any% routes out of this listed pro (KRPD vs PRKD), as this isn't something you can actually sort on and I am strongly opposed to even denoting in submitted runs. If nobody disagrees or has any points to offer, I'm going to modify it.
- Straevaras
Wait what? I mean, you can sort that though, there are filters you can use to do that. Whether or not you're opposed to doing it doesn't make it not a pro for some people. I don't personally care about it, but it is possible. -foos
Ok that's fair, thought this effectively would create separate categories based on a boss order. Thanks for the example. - Strae
Yeah, I didn't mean separate categories, just that it would be nice to denote which route was being used. Often I find it difficult to find high level play with a KPDR route, and it would be easier to find if it could be denoted (like in the example foosda linked). -Schmeman
Combining Pros/Cons
Could these two sets of pros be combined? Seems like it belongs together but I don't want to edit anyone's work
- Users will have profiles, making it easy to find other runs by a particular runner.
- Links to runners Twitch, YouTube and Twitter profiles.
- Runs can be sorted by type (NTSC vs PAL, KRPD vs PRKD, IGT vs RTA)
- Shows if a run was done on console, emulator or VC.
I agree with combining these two, just need to create the right wording for it.
I also think these two can also be combined, as we're referencing the same thing.
- Ability to fully moderate submissions to prevent trolls/fakes
- Supports a verification process if we want that.
make sub-bullets to address these issues imo.
- Users have profiles
- links to runners twitch, youtube, twitter, etc
- easy to find other runs by a particular runner
- Runs can have multiple columns
- console emu vc
- ntsc vs pal
- boss order/route
- igt vs rta
If no one seems to be against foosda's sub bullet idea, I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. It seems to be the best option here.
I ended up taking away the bullet points because it made the Pro list look abnormally larger than the Con list (without adding much real substance). A large looking Pro list may make people subconsciously think there are more pros than there actually are and I (and other's who have complained about the appearance of the list) would rather people vote on content. If you disagree, let me know. - Schmeman
"It has an API, [...] This also means that tools from the rest of the speedrunning community can be used which is obviously not possible with deertier."
An API is nice for sure but that doesn't mean you can't make tools work with deertier. (See Shaktool) Unless this is talking about specific tools that I'm unaware of.
Not talking about specific tools, I see this as a matter of principle. I'll give you an example:
Let's say someone makes a (more or less) automated overlay for restreaming tournament matches where you just need to enter the twitch accounts you want to restream. The overlay could then automatically look up the corresponding accounts and pull their PB times to display them on the overlay. Note that none of this needs to be super metroid specific and can then be used for any tournament where PB times are recorded on
Oh yeah that makes a lot of sense. Thanks!
Oh wow that makes me want it even more then for tournaments
yo, in case you all weren't aware, I made the FAQ to answer questions about the move. I tried to answer well without speaking for the rest of you guys, but here is a place to talk about whats in the faq, and maybe some of the TBD stuff.
When to start the vote? Who will be the recipient of the google forms votes, i.e. the "trusted party?"
I'd say that definitely strae and belth deserve to be in the trusted party along with you foos, but thats just me.
-matrick leaderboards page can be customized to look very much like deertier
I wouldn't necessarily call this a pro, it's just not a con.
Deertier isn't necessarily lacking in anything. It keeps track of pb times well and that's all it needs to do.
Deertier is necessarily lacking in many features, as it made evident by many items in the pro list. Also, don't believe that Deertier merely keeping times is a con for moving to SRC, as SRC can also keep times. "and that's all it needs to do" sounds a bit biased as well. Personally I don't think this is a good con to have on the list -- Schmeman
Out of this statement, the majority of it is subjective. Deertier keeps track of PB times is the objective part. The rest of the statement is subjective, and that's much of why this entire conversation is happening. Others think it needs more features and that it needs to do more than it currently does. Since both boards keep track of PB times, there's no reason for keeping this line. - Straevaras's search feature is confusing and/or broken (pressing enter reloads page?)
Their search feature is the same as Twitch's. You search for something and the results are shown in the dropdown. The only difference is that if you type the name of the game as it is on SRC and press enter it takes you to that game (which is good), otherwise it just reloads (which is stupid). I don't necessarily think this is a reason not to switch though.
Typing the game, as is listed on SRC, does not take me to the page after pressing "enter". It seems to always refresh. I have to select it with my mouse cursor. I'd say it's welcome on the Con list, since it is a negative about the site. - Schmeman
This seems more subjective though. I like the search bar more like this tbh. (p.s. i just double checked, youre right about pressing enter, it worked before but i think its cuz i pressed down arrow first or something without realizing)