Category Details
2% is a category previously defined as Low% Glitched, but was superseded by 0%. At the time it was the lowest percentage required to beat the game by any means necessary.
In order to achieve this goal, Samus must utilize block 0F(44) (also known as god block), which is probably the most powerful block in the entire game. This block does a different thing depending on Samus's X position, making it very difficult to get it to do what you want. A few of the more important things that can do are: giving Samus ammo i.e. missiles, supers, power bombs without actually increasing her max amount (causing it to not count towards item %), removing all majors items except beams and reserves from Samus's "have" list meaning that they don't count towards item %, setting Samus's max for ammo to 0, as well as crash the game a few different ways. It is pretty clear to see that it allows some extraordinary item % manipulation. For 2%, this block is created in a GT code savefile then touched in the real savefile, giving samus 127 powerbombs without increasing her item %. For 1%, this block is used in pre-cathedral to remove all major items from item %. The route would be very similar to any% glitched, except for two things: multi-savefile would be used to get pbs that don't count towards item % and after x-ray varia and high jump are collected in order to do OoB in pre-cathedral. From there, the save must be reloaded at the business center save station and the OoB can begin from there. After removing the major items from item %, Samus will have only missiles and supers according to the game. From there the missiles can be removed using the standard 3% method.
Even at the time, the community knew that 1% and 0% would both be possible by giving Samus super missile ammo without increasing her max. The OoB route was already figured out, the issue is currently getting into OoB in that particular room. A 1% run was never completed, so Low% Glitched went directly to 0%.
Category description under construction.