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Super Metroid Category
0:40 IGT
Full Category
World Record Holder
World Record Holder:

Category Details

Start Timer:
On Start Game
Stop Timer:
Entering Ship Animation
Begin At:
Ceres Station
End At:
End of Zebes Escape
Major Bosses:
Boss Order:

2% is a category previously defined as Low% Glitched, superseding 3%, but it was itself superseded by 0%. At the time it was the lowest percentage required to beat the game by any means necessary.


In order to achieve the goal of 2%, Samus must utilize block 0F(44) (also known as god block), which is probably the most powerful block in the entire game. This block does a different thing depending on Samus's X position, making it very difficult to get it to do what you want. A few of the more important things that it can do are: giving Samus ammo i.e. missiles, supers, power bombs without actually increasing her max amount (causing it to not count towards item %), removing all major items except beams and reserves from Samus's "have" list meaning that they don't count towards item %, setting Samus's max for ammo to 0, as well as crash the game a few different ways. It is pretty clear to see that it allows some extraordinary item % manipulation.

The beginning up to the "Climb" is basically the same. The save station is used in Parlor, and a file is copied over from the save to another file. From there, the player will obtain GT Code on one of the files and return to the Parlor area. The player cannot use the effects of "space time" to speed up the return trip, as it will cause the player to return to Ceres Station, as well as be forced to watch the intro cutscene, if they save and reload a file that previously used space time.

A frame perfect shinespark during the Landing Site -> Parlor door transition is required to become stuck in the right Parlor door. From there, the player will X-Ray climb out of bounds and manipulate part of the out of bounds with the X-Ray Scope in such a way that, on the other file, the Parlor will then contain the 0F(44) block. Once the out of bounds has been manipulated, the player will have to safely exit the out of bounds without returning to the ship area and kill themselves. The fastest method is using the acid in Crateria Super Room. If the ship area is ever accidentally entered, it will completely erase any previous out of bounds manipulation, so it is important that the player knows how to, and when not to, enter the ship area in this run.

After successfully modifying data and exiting the out of bounds, the player has to kill themselves instead of saving a/o resetting because resetting the game, or simply causing the intro scene to play, will change what the out of bounds contains. The menu after dying also has to be taken cautiously, because accidentally showing the intro scene there, like previously stated, will ruin the previous manipulation.

The player should then access the other non-GT file, and perform a 2x frame perfect trick involving a frame perfect pause while falling down to the Parlor -> Climb vertical door, then a frame perfect position change (such as angle up or firing the beam) while falling through the door transition. When this doorskip is executed perfectly, the player should fall through the door transition itself, into the out of bounds, where they will be able to use the newly-created 0F(44) block to set Samus' power bomb count to 127 without increasing her maximum.

After navigating back in-bounds, another doorskip from Parlor is required, this one in order to get through Landing Site out of bounds, before hitting a door transition to Crateria Tube, where you'll come back in-bounds. From here you go down and collect X-Ray Scope in a similar manner to Any% Glitched.

Next, after saving in Parlor and resetting, another doorskip or X-ray Climb is required from Parlor to Landing Site, in order to do reset to Ceres and remove the missiles, using the method from 3%.

1% and 0%

For 1%, a second 0F(44) block is created in pre-cathedral to remove all major items from item %. The route would be very similar to any% glitched, except for two things: multi-savefile would be used to get pbs that don't count towards item % and after x-ray varia and high jump are collected in order to do OoB in pre-cathedral. From there, the save must be reloaded at the business center save station and the OoB can begin from there. After removing the major items from item %, Samus will have only missiles and supers according to the game. From there the missiles can be removed using the standard 3% method.

Matrick was looking for a way to achieve 0% by giving Samus super missile ammo without increasing her max. The OoB route was already figured out, the issue is currently getting into OoB in that particular room (Lower Mushrooms). Getting deep-stuck in the door there is possible using a "boomerang mockball" (as seen with the Tourian entrance in this TAS), followed by an unmorph after the door transition, but this trick is extremely difficult.

A 1% run was never completed, and Matrick got a setup from Sniq for artificial Varia Suit. This made Supers unnecessary for the route, so Low% Glitched went directly from 2% to 0%.