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(Added information about the DASH Weekly Async Races in the "Weeklies" section of the "Announcements and Upcoming Events" part of the page.)
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大好时光:袁浩带小春回家,以后穿着无力吐槽! 大好时光:袁浩扮演男友,被揍了好几次,结果尴尬了 大好时光:大热天竟赖在,女友不走,还说是要帮她暖被子 大好时光17:袁浩母亲回国,罗一洋身世揭晓! 大好时光05:茅小春搬进罗一洋家,袁浩神仿梦露! 大好时光:茅小春吃醋袁浩不带自己见家长,被小春,恶整骂娘炮<br /><br />袁浩不能辜负罗一洋对自己的讨好,他带着罗一洋来到了一处摩天轮,让他帮自己办一件事。 第4集 小春为了房子的事情四处奔波,谁知却突然接到一个陌生男人的电话,并告知小春她的项链就在锦江公园的摩天轮里。 小春以为是朱涛帮自己找到了人,她丝毫不疑,立刻赶到了公园,看到了等着她的罗一洋。 罗一洋按照袁浩的吩咐将小春骗上了摩天轮,项链在别人手里,小春只好照做,没想摩天轮却在几百米的高空停了下来。 惊恐万状的小春就在这时接到了袁浩的"示威"电话,这只是给小春的一个教训而已。 第二天一早,罗一洋便把茅小春项链的事情告诉了袁浩,听到这些话的袁浩若有所思。<br /><br />可是不分是非爱女如命的安总却根本听不进去,她将一切过错都怪在小春身上。 罗一洋陪着袁浩来到了朱涛的京腔咖啡馆,并劝说朱涛给袁浩的草原行拉赞助,没想却得知了袁浩和珊珊分手,朱涛被前妻逼婚的事情。 第10集 袁浩带罗一洋在朱涛的咖啡馆聊天,罗一洋向朱涛提起袁浩在公司受排挤的事。 朱涛要袁浩找珊珊介绍企业家来赞助他的草原行项目,袁浩故作平静地宣布自己和珊珊分手了,她已飞去美国。 罗一洋回家后故意和茅小春说起袁浩和女友分手的事,茅小春感同身受地说,只要是付出真情的人一定会伤心,袁浩现在一定很难过。 医院王主任找茅小春谈话,原来是有人举报茅小春收受病人贿赂,还拍下珊珊妈送红包给茅小春的一幕。<br /><br />朱涛指出袁浩和夏冰冰不合适,点出夏冰冰心机重,朱涛还把夏冰冰家里失窃的事告诉了袁浩,袁浩却处处维护夏冰冰。 袁新华告诉袁浩他发现夏冰冰一箱或名牌包的事,袁浩则说如果夏冰冰是花钱大手大脚的人,绝对不会把她娶进门,夏冰冰在门口偷听到了。 于是她主动找袁浩,又编了新理由,袁浩没当回事。<br /><br />下载客户端,免费蓝光播放 三倍流畅播放 使用腾讯视频客户端播放 连续签到抢VIP福利 三倍流畅播放 1080P蓝光画质 新剧提前看 光棍节脱单福利大放送 胡歌追女十八式 【鬼畜】胡歌又结新欢 靖王哭倒在酥胸怀 她让胡歌智商为负 绿茶心机婊滚粗 2分钟告诉你胡歌演戏到底有多拼!<br /><br />大好时光_美女和清洁工聊天,美女知道她是自己母亲,没想到母亲 大好时光_离婚夫妻想在店里打闹,小伙进来后一脸看呆了,场面太 大好时光_男子安静听完女子的故事,没想到女子身世真可怜,两人 大好时光_心机女女友来找总裁要求复合,总裁冷静对待! 大好时光_小春的母亲找到袁浩,交给他一封信想让他转交给小春<br /><br />红楼梦中林黛玉与贾宝玉为何没能终成眷属? 红楼梦中贾敏死后,贾母派到扬州来接林黛玉的人是谁? 《程序员那么可爱》姜逸城的结局是什么 姜逸城最后和谁结婚了 《国子监来了个女弟子》饰演浅酒的人是谁 浅酒和谁有感情线 你迟到的许多年大结局以及主要角色结局 张艺兴和肖战同台合唱,身高差距太明显,蔡徐坤的身高引关注<br /><br />听到这话的袁浩却表示自己已经根本不想和珊珊结婚了。 小春的闺蜜即将来到上海求职,她为了给闺蜜和自己找房子是费劲了辛苦,好不容易有了些眉目。 [https://myspace.com/soapotter0 tvb电视剧] 。 两人走着当初走过路,回忆着他们相恋的场景以及那个十年的约定。<br /><br />大好时光:涛哥给老婆惊喜,一堵墙就值一辆跑车,感动死了 大好时光:老爸跟袁浩告密:你的女友有问题! 大好时光:小春被渣男缠上,不巧还碰上心机闺蜜,赶来插一脚<br /><br />大好时光:美女刚认识小伙,就叫小伙去她家吃饭,不料被男友撞上 大好时光:前妻挺着大肚子来找前夫,没想到这待遇这么好,真好 大好时光:老太太看上裁缝大叔,与前妻争风吃醋,大叔委婉拒绝
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'''Super Metroid Speedrunning Wiki''' 
Welcome to the one-stop place to learn all about Super Metroid speedrunning. Whether you're just starting out, or have been playing Super Metroid since 1994, there's always something new to learn.
All race functions will take place on [https://www.speedrunslive.com SpeedRunsLive (SRL)] or [https://racetime.gg racetime.gg]. If you would like to participate on SRL, [https://www.speedrunslive.com/rules-faq/faq#whatsrlraces join #supermetroid on the SpeedRunsLive IRC] so you can be present when future functions are scheduled to occur.
If you have an idea for a future function (such as a puzzle), you can discuss it with the community there, as well as on [https://discord.gg/rT2fWZt our Discord server].
Hope to see you off Ceres!
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'''Announcements & Upcoming Events'''
'''Weeklies''' - all times are [https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/et Eastern US] time zone (EST/EDT)
* A community [[Any%]] race will take place every Friday at 9pm, and 11pm. These races take place on [http://www.speedrunslive.com/races/game/supermetroid SRL].
* A [[Randomizers|Randomizer]] race takes place twice every Saturday at 2:30pm (easier logic) and 5:30pm (harder tricks in logic), organized on the [http://discord.varia.run/ Varia Randomizer discord]. There is also a Weekly Async Race: a new seed every Friday to run anytime in the week.
* The [https://www.dashrando.net/ DASH Randomizer] also has a Weekly Async Race with a new seed every Thursday to run at your leisure. You can find the weekly seed posted in the [https://discord.gg/f9bTYvUw7Z DASH Randomizer Discord].
* The Super Metroid Randomizer League has begun its 4th season. Join the tournament discord [https://discord.gg/cRGuJzxetp here] to learn more.
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:'''Learn to Speedrun'''
*[[Control Schemes]]
*[[General Movement]]
*[[Weapon Techniques]]
*[[Hitbox Manipulation]]
*[[Exploiting Sprite Animations]]
*[[Bosses|Boss Fights]]
*[http://www.deertier.com/ Deer Tier (Leaderboard)]
*[http://www.speedrun.com/supermetroid Speedrun.com (Leaderboard)]
*[https://www.speedrun.com/super_metroid_category_extensions Speedrun.com (Category Extensions Leaderboard)]
*[[Combined Leaderboards|Combined Leaderboard (Deer Tier + Speedrun.com)]]
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:'''Learn the Game''' 
*[[Enemies|Enemies & Item Drops]]
*[[Damage Sources]]
*[[List of Rooms]]
*[[List of Items]]
*[[Practice Hacks|Infohud Practice Romhack]]
*[http://crocomi.re/ Strategy Videos]
*[[ED's stuff|EternisedDragon's Analysis]]
*[http://drewseph.zophar.net/Kejardon/ Kejardon's Documentation]
*[http://tasvideos.org/GameResources/SNES/SuperMetroid.html TAS Information]
*[http://gromba.nl/zebes/ Google Maps (Zebes)]
*[https://bin0al.github.io/Super_Metroid_World_Map/leaflet.html Updated Interactive Map (Zebes)]
*[[Complete Map Graph (Template)|Map Graph]]
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*[[Record Progression]]
*[[Timeline of Discoveries]]
*[[Race Hall of Fame]]
*[[Youtube and Twitch accounts|External Media]]
*[[Discord|Community Discord Servers]]
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*[[Tool Assisted Speedruns]]
*[https://metroidconstruction.com/ Hacks & Remakes]
*[http://www.metroid2002.com/3/ Metroid 2002]
*[[Video Layouts|SM Video Layouts]]
*[https://www.gamefaqs.com/snes/588741-super-metroid/faqs/44179 Pro Action Replay Codes]
*[[Deer Force]]
*[[Add your potential SM Projects TODO-List here]]

Latest revision as of 21:41, 10 January 2024

Super Metroid Speedrunning Wiki

Welcome to the one-stop place to learn all about Super Metroid speedrunning. Whether you're just starting out, or have been playing Super Metroid since 1994, there's always something new to learn.

All race functions will take place on SpeedRunsLive (SRL) or racetime.gg. If you would like to participate on SRL, join #supermetroid on the SpeedRunsLive IRC so you can be present when future functions are scheduled to occur.

If you have an idea for a future function (such as a puzzle), you can discuss it with the community there, as well as on our Discord server.

Hope to see you off Ceres!

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Weeklies - all times are Eastern US time zone (EST/EDT)

  • A community Any% race will take place every Friday at 9pm, and 11pm. These races take place on SRL.
  • A Randomizer race takes place twice every Saturday at 2:30pm (easier logic) and 5:30pm (harder tricks in logic), organized on the Varia Randomizer discord. There is also a Weekly Async Race: a new seed every Friday to run anytime in the week.
  • The DASH Randomizer also has a Weekly Async Race with a new seed every Thursday to run at your leisure. You can find the weekly seed posted in the DASH Randomizer Discord.


  • The Super Metroid Randomizer League has begun its 4th season. Join the tournament discord here to learn more.
Learn to Speedrun
Learn the Game