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(Added information about the DASH Weekly Async Races in the "Weeklies" section of the "Announcements and Upcoming Events" part of the page.)
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手机App,快捷观看,点击安装 《大好时光》高清ed2k资源下载,影视集合已为您提供38个ed2k资源种子,如果不能下载或者播放慢,请换一个试试。 《大好时光》ed2k资源属于P2P下载,支持迅雷(thunder)、BT(torrent)、百度网盘离线、qq旋风等高速下载。<br /><br />小春为不连累袁浩而选择离开,怎 版权投诉 软件/智能硬件 移动客户端 北京12318文化市场举报热线 搜狗输入法 - 搜狐招聘 - 广告服务 - 客服中心 - 联系方式 - 保护隐私权 - About SOHU - 公司介绍 请仔细阅读 版权声明 、反盗版和反盗链权利声明 举报邮箱:jubaosohu@sohu-inc.com<br /><br />听到这些的小春虽然非常不赞同她的心机,但也不好执意劝说,只得答应下来。 反应过来的袁浩又立刻开脱,说自己只是同情怜悯冰冰,对她也仅仅欣赏。 入夜, [http://www.authorstream.com/piebanjo6/ 庆余年电视剧] ,心中实在不甘,于是她装作自己住的小宾馆里有老鼠,一副十分可怜害怕的样子给袁浩打去电话。 袁浩急忙赶到,将冰冰安排到更高级的旅馆,没想却听冰冰说自己想回到深圳,并将自己跳舞的视频就给袁浩做礼物。<br /><br />袁浩送走了珊妈,拿着一封辞职信找到了戴森林,戴森林立刻表示袁浩终于识时务做出了正确的决定。 袁浩回答戴森林不要太高兴,多行不义必自毙,希望戴森林好自为之。 听到这话的戴森林立刻黑了脸。 小春父母还是将刚刚发生的事情告诉了小春,他们嘴上指责小春做错了事情,可是心里却心疼小春被男朋友背叛,而他们却无能为力。 小春知道了母亲被泼的事情,愤怒的她立刻给袁浩打去了电话。<br /><br />但这一次也许真的是要说再见了,犀利的话语总让人心照不宣地笑出来,却也在最后让人猝不及防地掉眼泪。 再加上几个男演员都特别帅,可看度还是很高的,配乐也很赞。 时光与你别来无恙共24集,完结 法医秦明之无声的共30集,完结 星辰影院为你提供国产剧《大好时光》导演、演员、剧情简介和影评等相关信息,为您观看「大好时光」高清版提供有价值的参考! 合作媒体:2021电视剧排行榜<br /><br />戴森林来给艾琦献计,没想到却碰了一鼻子灰,艾琦冷漠表示自己知道如何对付底下这些人。 艾琦拿着钱包让罗一洋去给大家买咖啡面包,谁知却被罗一洋拒绝,说如果她想吃自己去买。 艾琦立刻火冒三丈,生气的表示他们的饭碗都是艾琦家给的,罗一洋有什么资格冒犯她,罗一洋是不是不想在公司做事了。<br /><br />珊珊来到袁浩家,看着他拿出了一个徽章,询问珊珊是否还记得。 听到这些的珊珊被彻底感动,两人一时意乱情迷,决定到外边开房。 没想到一切都进展的十分顺利,就在最关键的时候,袁浩突然说自己应该洗澡,便着急的冲进了洗手间。 躲在洗手间的袁浩手足无措,不小心将他们的结婚戒指冲进了下水道,得知此事的珊珊立刻质疑袁浩是不是故意的,因为他根本不想和自己结婚。 可无论袁浩如何解释,珊珊地都不相信袁浩,她表示如果找不到戒指就不结婚,听到这话的袁浩说不结就不结。<br /><br />扫雷集合完毕,这几个评分超低的电视剧你避开了么 德云社总教习高峰郭德纲爱徒栾云平办专场,传统相声接受市场考验 《天乩之白蛇传说》大结局虐心 许宣死了白夭夭苦等千年 本站所有视频和图片均来自互联网收集而来,本网站只提供web页面服务,并不提供资源存储,也不参与录制、上传 若本站收录的节目无意侵犯了贵司版权,请发邮件至administratorx#gmail.com (我们会在3个工作日内删除侵权内容,谢谢。) 夏晓昀,出生于上海,1986年毕业于华东师范大学中文系,中国内地男导演。<br /><br />《大好时光》【胡歌】Apologize 现代群像 大好时光(茅小春-王晓晨)绘画MV(升级时尚版) 赵可 大好时光 电视剧《大好时光》主题曲 胡歌徐百卉大好时光-最萌动的年少如果我爱你 胡歌王晓晨大好时光-花香(周传雄) 胡歌王晓晨大好时光-来不及对不起<br /><br />茅小春和佩佩喝酒,吐槽自己被误会成第三者,结果也喝醉了,佩佩说茅小春心里根本就是有袁浩,茅小春说他们只是一对欢喜冤家。 朱涛被简卉骗去酒店看画,结果又被拿下,朱涛说他不会再结婚,简卉把他赶走。 袁浩和茅小春醒后惊讶的发现两人睡在同一张床上,袁浩发现罗一洋和茅小春住在一起,气恼离开。 庞阿姨去旗袍店找袁新华哭诉自己好像做错了一件事,袁新华则送给庞阿姨一件旗袍,庞阿姨很感动。 茅家父母去袁浩公司,袁浩不在,戴总接待了他们,他们说自己是袁浩未来的岳父岳母。 庞阿姨向他们道歉,茅父茅母严厉责备了袁浩。
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'''Super Metroid Speedrunning Wiki''' 
Welcome to the one-stop place to learn all about Super Metroid speedrunning. Whether you're just starting out, or have been playing Super Metroid since 1994, there's always something new to learn.
All race functions will take place on [https://www.speedrunslive.com SpeedRunsLive (SRL)] or [https://racetime.gg racetime.gg]. If you would like to participate on SRL, [https://www.speedrunslive.com/rules-faq/faq#whatsrlraces join #supermetroid on the SpeedRunsLive IRC] so you can be present when future functions are scheduled to occur.
If you have an idea for a future function (such as a puzzle), you can discuss it with the community there, as well as on [https://discord.gg/rT2fWZt our Discord server].
Hope to see you off Ceres!
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'''Announcements & Upcoming Events'''
'''Weeklies''' - all times are [https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/et Eastern US] time zone (EST/EDT)
* A community [[Any%]] race will take place every Friday at 9pm, and 11pm. These races take place on [http://www.speedrunslive.com/races/game/supermetroid SRL].
* A [[Randomizers|Randomizer]] race takes place twice every Saturday at 2:30pm (easier logic) and 5:30pm (harder tricks in logic), organized on the [http://discord.varia.run/ Varia Randomizer discord]. There is also a Weekly Async Race: a new seed every Friday to run anytime in the week.
* The [https://www.dashrando.net/ DASH Randomizer] also has a Weekly Async Race with a new seed every Thursday to run at your leisure. You can find the weekly seed posted in the [https://discord.gg/f9bTYvUw7Z DASH Randomizer Discord].
* The Super Metroid Randomizer League has begun its 4th season. Join the tournament discord [https://discord.gg/cRGuJzxetp here] to learn more.
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:'''Learn to Speedrun'''
*[[Control Schemes]]
*[[General Movement]]
*[[Weapon Techniques]]
*[[Hitbox Manipulation]]
*[[Exploiting Sprite Animations]]
*[[Bosses|Boss Fights]]
*[http://www.deertier.com/ Deer Tier (Leaderboard)]
*[http://www.speedrun.com/supermetroid Speedrun.com (Leaderboard)]
*[https://www.speedrun.com/super_metroid_category_extensions Speedrun.com (Category Extensions Leaderboard)]
*[[Combined Leaderboards|Combined Leaderboard (Deer Tier + Speedrun.com)]]
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:'''Learn the Game''' 
*[[Enemies|Enemies & Item Drops]]
*[[Damage Sources]]
*[[List of Rooms]]
*[[List of Items]]
*[[Practice Hacks|Infohud Practice Romhack]]
*[http://crocomi.re/ Strategy Videos]
*[[ED's stuff|EternisedDragon's Analysis]]
*[http://drewseph.zophar.net/Kejardon/ Kejardon's Documentation]
*[http://tasvideos.org/GameResources/SNES/SuperMetroid.html TAS Information]
*[http://gromba.nl/zebes/ Google Maps (Zebes)]
*[https://bin0al.github.io/Super_Metroid_World_Map/leaflet.html Updated Interactive Map (Zebes)]
*[[Complete Map Graph (Template)|Map Graph]]
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*[[Record Progression]]
*[[Timeline of Discoveries]]
*[[Race Hall of Fame]]
*[[Youtube and Twitch accounts|External Media]]
*[[Discord|Community Discord Servers]]
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*[[Tool Assisted Speedruns]]
*[https://metroidconstruction.com/ Hacks & Remakes]
*[http://www.metroid2002.com/3/ Metroid 2002]
*[[Video Layouts|SM Video Layouts]]
*[https://www.gamefaqs.com/snes/588741-super-metroid/faqs/44179 Pro Action Replay Codes]
*[[Deer Force]]
*[[Add your potential SM Projects TODO-List here]]

Latest revision as of 21:41, 10 January 2024

Super Metroid Speedrunning Wiki

Welcome to the one-stop place to learn all about Super Metroid speedrunning. Whether you're just starting out, or have been playing Super Metroid since 1994, there's always something new to learn.

All race functions will take place on SpeedRunsLive (SRL) or racetime.gg. If you would like to participate on SRL, join #supermetroid on the SpeedRunsLive IRC so you can be present when future functions are scheduled to occur.

If you have an idea for a future function (such as a puzzle), you can discuss it with the community there, as well as on our Discord server.

Hope to see you off Ceres!

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Weeklies - all times are Eastern US time zone (EST/EDT)

  • A community Any% race will take place every Friday at 9pm, and 11pm. These races take place on SRL.
  • A Randomizer race takes place twice every Saturday at 2:30pm (easier logic) and 5:30pm (harder tricks in logic), organized on the Varia Randomizer discord. There is also a Weekly Async Race: a new seed every Friday to run anytime in the week.
  • The DASH Randomizer also has a Weekly Async Race with a new seed every Thursday to run at your leisure. You can find the weekly seed posted in the DASH Randomizer Discord.


  • The Super Metroid Randomizer League has begun its 4th season. Join the tournament discord here to learn more.
Learn to Speedrun
Learn the Game