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14% xSpring is one of the theoretical 14% categories that is yet to have a known, recorded, RTA completion. A total of 14 items are picked up during the entire run and focuses on using Grapple and X-Ray Scope for level progression.

This category is meant to be based on 13% xCharge, but adds Spring Ball to avoid L+R Walljumping. Spring Ball can only be collected under these conditions without L+R Walljumping on PAL. Thus, this is a PAL-only category.

This category is possible due to being able to kill Zebetites with only 10 missiles.


To finish this run, you need to know how to:

Collected Items

Morphball.png Bombs.png Charge.png Xray.png Springball.png Varia.png Etank.png Etank.png Reserver.png Missiles.png Missiles.png Supermissiles.png Supermissiles.png Powerbomb.png

Note since R-mode clip is going to be done, it is advisable to skip Terminator Energy Tank. Additionally, 1+2 Energy+Reserve Tanks may be easier (and would allow a faster route than what is stated below), but the current best (PAL) method for the Zebetite kill is easier with 2 Energy Tanks.

Theoretical Route

Collect Morph, Alpha Missiles, Bombs, Early Supers, Brinstar Reserve, and Charge Beam.

Get Alpha Power Bombs, CWJ across the Moat, and get Wrecked Ship Supers Left.

Kill Kraid, and get Varia Suit.

Get X-Ray Scope. Note this could be done earlier, but you most likely want Varia Suit for your first time in Maridia.

G-mode into Maridia. Jesuswalk to Aqueduct.

G-mode downward in Aqueduct towards East Sand Hall. Cross this room. X-Ray climb towards Spring Ball, and then R-jump to collect it.

Use Bombs to double spring ball jump out of this room, and use Bombs (and maybe Spring Ball) to cross East Sand Hall and West Sand Hall.

Go back up, G-mode enter Maridia, Jesuswalk again.

R-mode clip to Botwoon. Mid-air spring ball jump to get Botwoon's Energy Tank.

X-Ray climb to the middle of Halfie Climb Room and jump to scroll the camera. Perform a mid-air spring ball jump such that a mochtroid triggers a reserve tank automatic refill at the peak of the second jump, laying a bomb just before the refill occurs. Continue an ibj from here, and finish climbing Halfie Climb Room.

Cross Colosseum (hope you are confident here). Snipe kill Draygon, and X-Ray Climb out.

Proceed back to Aqueduct and escape out the bottom.

Get Hi-Jump Energy Tank.

Lava dive (or G-mode into Lower Norfair), and go to kill Ridley.

Go to Tourian with full 10/10/5 ammo and save.

Defeat the metroids in the first room, using only three power bombs, and get at least two power bomb drops. The probability of at least three drops is 0.6%; the probability of two is 6.5%. With only two drops, the probability becomes worse later. Go back and save when successful.

Defeat the metroids in the second room, ending with at least three power bombs (number of drops needed depends upon what you settled for previously). The chance of one drop is 20.8%; the chance of two drops is 1.4%. Go back and save when successful.

Defeat the metroids in the third room, ending with at least three power bombs. The probability of at least two drops is 3.8%; the probability of three drops is 0.2%. Go back and save when successful.

Note due to this 0.2% in the third room, it is recommended to grind for the 0.6% and 1.4% in the previous rooms if simply going for a completion. With this choice, it will take on average 168 resets to finish the first room, 72 resets to finish the second, and 26 resets to finish the third. Good luck.

A second note: If you can perform multiple mid-air spring ball jumps, then it might be possible to escape Tourian and get more power bombs. It has not been tested how many spring ball jumps this would need.

Defeat the metroids in the fourth room, and continue through (using no supers) to save before Zebetites.

Kill the first Zebetite using a super missile. Perform the 10 Missile Zebetite Kills. Then defeat Mother Brain and escape.