14% xAmmo
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Category Details
14% xAmmo is one of the in-bounds 14% categories that have a known RTA completion. A total of 14 items are picked up during the entire run and focuses on using the X-Ray Scope and Super Missiles for level progression.
This category utilizes L+R Walljumping to breach the water pre-colosseum due to the lack of Gravity Suit, Hi-Jump Boots, Ice Beam, and Grapple.
To finish this run, you need to know how to:
- Mockball
- Shinespark
- Infinite bomb jump
- Continuous walljump and/or horizontal bomb jump over the moat
- Jesuswalking
- R-Mode pre-botwoon clip
- Navigate Maridia without Gravity Suit, Hi-Jump Boots, or Ice Beam
- Lava dive without Gravity Suit or Hi-Jump Boots (G-Mode entry of Lower Norfair can be done instead)
- X-Ray climb
Collected Items
- Morphing Ball
- Bombs
- Charge Beam (for bosses)
- X-Ray Scope (to escape Draygon's entry chamber, jesuswalk, and to clip pre-Botwoon)
- Varia Suit (to survive MB2's rainbow beam)
- 1 Energy Tanks (Various - 1E2R or 2E1R) (to survive MB2's rainbow beam)
- 2 Reserve Tank (to do R-mode and G-mode and to ensure Draygon carries Samus to the top of the room)
- 2 Missile Packs (Awakening and Moat) (to open red doors and defeat MB1)
- 3 Super Missile Packs (Early and Wrecked Ship (Left)) (to open green doors, destroy zebs, and defeat MB1)
- 1 Power Bomb Pack (Red Brinstar Elevator (Lower)) (to open orange doors)