14% Ice
Category Details
14% Ice is one of the in-bounds 14% categories that have a known RTA completion. A total of 14 items are picked up during the entire run and focuses on using the Ice Beam and Gravity Suit for level progression.
To finish this run, you need to know how to:
- Mockball
- Infinite bomb jump
- Continuous walljump and/or horizontal bomb jump over the moat
- Mochtroid clip
- Gravity jump (entering Lower Norfair and accessing the top vertical door which connects Maridia to Red Brinstar - can be used to exit Draygon's chamber post-defeat, but is slower than double bomb jumping out)
- Zebetite skip with Ice Beam only
Collected Items
- Morphing Ball
- Bombs
- Charge Beam (for bosses)
- Ice Beam (for Zebetite skip, Mochtroid clip, and enemy climbing)
- Varia Suit (to survive MB2's rainbow beam)
- Gravity Suit (to traverse Maridia and enter Lower Norfair)
- 3 Energy Tanks (to survive MB2's rainbow beam)
- 2 Missile Packs (Awakening and Moat) (to open red doors and defeat MB1)
- 2 Super Missile Packs (Early and Wrecked Ship (Left)) (to open green doors and defeat MB1)
- 1 Power Bomb Pack (Red Brinstar Elevator (Lower)) (to open orange doors)
PRKD is the optimal boss order for many of the same reasons as for Any%, although the advantage of doing Kraid after Ridley comes mostly from ammo management reasons as a result of not picking up Speed Booster.
PKRD is the next-most optimal order, with the advantage as with Any% of having both Varia Suit and Kraid's E-Tank for Lower Norfair.
For runners looking to complete the category, a KPRD boss order allows for fighting Phantoon with Varia, and up to 3 energy tanks, making it much easier to survive the fight.
If you have 3 e-tanks upon entering Maridia, you will need to skip the Botwoon e-tank by sinking partway into the sand to go under the first set of Speed Booster blocks and then jumping up into the morph tunnel.
Zoast - The beginning of the tutorial can also be applied to PRKD any% and 14% Speed, but the tutorial does not explain certain techniques such as the in-room moat CWJ setup, Phantoon doppler, Ice Shield on Ridley/Draygon, and elevator pause as it was created before these techniques were developed.
Overfiendvip - Uses his and zoast's runs to explain strategic changes that have been made to the category since 2014.