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The damage of an enemy means the amount of damage contact with the enemy's body will deal to Samus. For damage values on this page, "P" stands for Power Suit, "V" stands for Varia Suit, and "G" stands for Gravity Suit.

The damage values for enemy attacks and bosses are currently not listed. Check out the Damage Sources page for that information.

For Space Pirates, the word in parenthesis further indicates the kind of Space Pirate it is. For Tourian, "All" means that the data applies to any of its kind (standing, wall, fighting).

How Drops Work

To make understanding this information easier, item drops will be explained as existing within the following tiers:

  • Tier I - Small Energy, Large Energy, Missile, "nothing"

Tier I items affect whether each other item in Tier I will drop proportionally to the size of their drop rates. For example, a Waver has a 2%, 24%, 24%, 24%, 24%, and 4% chance to drop nothing, a Missile, a Small Energy, a Large Energy, a Super Missile, and a Power Bomb respectively.

If you are full on Missiles but are not at full energy, the drop rates will change as follows:

  • Nothing - 2% -> 4%
  • Small Energy - 24% -> 35%
  • Large Energy - 24% -> 35%

The 24% chance was distributed at a ratio of 2 : 11 : 11.

If you are at full energy but are not full on Missiles, the drop rates will change as follows:

  • Nothing - 2% -> 4% -> 6%
  • Missiles - 24% -> 46% -> 68%

The 24% chances were distributed individually at a ratio of 2 : 22.

Tier II items can also affect the drop rate of Tier I items. Having full Super Missiles or Power Bombs will cause their drop rates to be evenly distributed through Tier I.

For example, if you are full on Super Missiles but are missing both energy and Missiles, then kill a Waver (drop rates referenced earlier), the drop rates will change as follows:

  • Nothing - 2% -> 8% (+6)
  • Missiles - 24% -> 30% (+6)
  • Small Energy - 24% -> 30% (+6)
  • Large Energy - 24% -> 30% (+6)
  • Power Bombs - 4% -> 4% (+0)

The chance for Power Bombs to drop will not increase as unfortunately, the chance for Tier II items to drop cannot be increased by any means. For example, if you are full on everything except Power Bombs and kill a Metroid (which has a 12% chance to drop Power Bombs), that 12% chance is not increased - effectively, everything is converted to nothing. Assuming the probability of occurrence is the same for every low byte of the RNG address' value from 1 (instead of 0) to 255, which generally would be a false although just slightly inaccurate assumption since generally - e.g. when the random number generation process is caged in a finite cycle of RNG values with fixed order of occurrence - the frequency at which these different low bytes occur is not constant but variable and hence dependent on the particular low byte value, the drop rates for Super Missiles and Power Bombs are constant - they are not affected by Tier I, but can affect Tier I as explained previously.

If an enemy does not have a chance to drop "nothing", then the drop chance will be directly converted (spread) between items. For example, if you killed a Zeela while at full energy but missing Missiles, then the drop rate of Missiles would change from 50% to 82%. In that scenario, if you were full on Super Missiles (or had not yet obtained them), then the drop rate would instead become 102% (100%).

The specific drops that spawn are determined on the frame the enemy's explosion animation occurs (or in the case of bosses, the frame the drops themselves spawn). This information is only reasonably useful for tool assisted speedruns where you have the ability to manipulate drops by killing an enemy on different frames until it drops what you want.

Bosses will drop "nothing" if Samus has full energy and full Missiles on the frame their drops spawn; otherwise, bosses are incapable of dropping "nothing", and being capped on one of either energy or Missiles will cause the drop chance to entirely roll over to the other. Certain bosses are incapable of dropping small energy upon their defeat.

The amount of items that certain enemies will drop changes depending on how they are killed. For example, if you destroy a Geruta, a Magdollite, and a Metroid with a Power Bomb, they will drop up to two items, three items, and one item (instead of up to one item, one item, and six items) respectively. These are the only cases of death via a Power Bomb causing a different amount of drops than the typical amount.

Finally, here is an explanation of drop generation by itsblah using hexadecimal values.

Health Bomb

In the event that your total energy (including reserves) goes below 30, it will cause all enemies in the game that drop items to attempt to provide you with energy instead of any other drop until your energy goes at or above 50 and another drop is generated.

If you receive an energy drop that puts you at or above 50 energy, but then dip below 50 energy again (even if you dip below 50 energy but not 30 energy) before the next drop is generated, you will still receive energy as the next drop. This is because the game only changes the flag for energy drops upon a drop being generated.

Although the low energy alarm does begin at 30, the game will not force energy drops upon you until it goes below 30.

As described in the technical explanation linked above, during a health bomb there is a small chance of some enemies dropping Nothing even if they normally cannot drop Nothing.

Why is the drop rate out of 102%?

The game stores nearly everything as a hexadecimal value and the drop chance for an enemy can have 2 characters at most. Theoretically, this means that if an enemy were only able to drop nothing, the chance of it dropping nothing would be FF accordingly. FF as a hexadecimal value equals 255 in the standard decimal system.

To make the numbers more readable, every number after being converted into decimal is then divided by 2.5. 255 divided by 2.5 equals 102, which is close enough to 100. Additionally, all of the numbers only go to the tenths place (at most) when dividing by 2.5.

To give an example, a Sciser has a 40% chance (out of 102%) of dropping big energy, and if it were out of 100%, then the chance would be 39.2157%, which is a negligible difference.


Enemy Name Damage (P/V/G) Health Nothing Small Energy Big Energy Missile Super Power Bomb Notes
Alcoon.gif Alcoon 50/25/12 200 0 0.4 0 0 0 101.6
Beetom.gif Beetom 10/5/2 50 0 0.4 0 0 0 101.6 Damages every 64 frames
Boyon.gif Boyon 10/5/2 1000 52 8 4 34 2 2
Choot.gif Choot 80/40/20 100 2 24 24 24 24 4
Geemer (blue).gif Geemer 5/2/1 15 0 22 10 68 2 0
Geemer (grey).gif Geemer 5/2/1 15 40 52 8 0 0 2
Geemer (orange).gif Geemer 5/2/1 15 40 52 8 0 0 2
Kago.gif Kago 0 1600 2 20 36 28 8 8 Have to kago inside to take this damage
Kamer.gif Kamer 0 20 2 32 32 32 2 2
Kihunter (green).gif Kihunter 20/10/5 60 30 20 12 32 4 4
Mellow.gif Mellow 8/4/2 9 28 12 28 32 2 0
Reo.gif Reo 15/7/3 45 16 12 32 34 4 4
Ripper.gif Ripper 5/2/1 200 26 32 8 32 2 2
Ripper 2 (green).gif Ripper 2 10/5/2 200 0 0 0.4 0 101.6 0
Sciser.gif Sciser 120/60/30 200 0 0.4 40 0 0 61.6
Skree.gif Skree 10/5/2 15 54.8 8 1.2 34 2 2
Skultera.gif Skultera 80/40/20 300 28 32 12 28 2 0
Space Pirate.gif Space Pirate (standing) 15/7/3 20 0 20 48 32 2 0
Space Pirate (green).gif Space Pirate (standing) 20/10/5 90 18 20 12 40 8 4
Space Pirate *wall*.gif Space Pirate (wall) 15/7/3 20 0.4 4 18 78.8 0.4 0.4
Tripper.gif Tripper 0 20 2 32 32 32 2 2
Waver.gif Waver 10/5/2 30 2 24 24 24 24 4
Yapping Maw.gif Yapping Maw 0 20 2 32 32 32 2 2
Zeb.gif Zeb 6/3/1 9 2 24 24 24 24 4
Zebbo.gif Zebbo 20/10/5 30 0 0 56 4 40 2


Enemy Name Damage (P/V/G) Health Nothing Small Energy Big Energy Missile Super Power Bomb Notes
Beetom.gif Beetom 10/5/2 50 0 0.4 0 0 0 101.6 Damages every 64 frames
Boulder.gif Boulder 40/20/10 20 102 0 0 0 0 0
Boyon.gif Boyon 10/5/2 1000 52 8 4 34 2 2
Cacatac.gif Cacatac 20/10/5 60 0 0 0.4 0 101.6 0
Fireflea.gif Fireflea 4/2/1 20 0 0 0.4 0 0 101.6
Geega.gif Geega 10/5/2 10 2 24 24 24 24 4
Kihunter (green).gif Kihunter 20/10/5 60 30 20 12 32 4 4
Metaree.gif Metaree 50/25/12 50 24 32 10 32 2 2
Mini-Kraid.gif Mini-Kraid 100/50/25 400 0 0 0.4 0 101.6 0
Puyo.gif Puyo 60/30/15 100 2 24 24 24 4 24
Reo.gif Reo 15/7/3 45 16 12 32 34 4 4
Ripper.gif Ripper 5/2/1 200 26 32 8 32 2 2
Ripper 2 (red).gif Ripper 2 10/5/2 200 0 0 0.4 0 101.6 0
Skree.gif Skree 10/5/2 15 54.8 8 1.2 34 2 2
Skultera.gif Skultera 80/40/20 300 28 32 12 28 2 0
Sidehopper.gif Sidehopper 80/40/20 320 40 8 8 22 22 2
Small Sidehopper.gif Sm. Sidehopper 20/10/5 60 40 8 16 34 2 2
Space Pirate (green).gif Space Pirate (standing) 20/10/5 90 18 20 12 40 8 4
Waver.gif Waver 10/5/2 30 2 24 24 24 24 4
Yapping Maw.gif Yapping Maw 0 20 2 32 32 32 2 2
Zeb.gif Zeb 6/3/1 9 2 24 24 24 24 4
Zebbo.gif Zebbo 20/10/5 30 0 0 56 4 40 2
Zeela.gif Zeela 10/5/2 30 0 22 10 50 20 0
Zero.gif Zero 40/20/10 50 0 0.4 0 0 0 101.6

Wrecked Ship

Enemy Name Damage (P/V/G) Health Nothing Small Energy Big Energy Missile Super Power Bomb Notes
Atomic.gif Atomic 40/20/10 250 0 0 66 32 2 2
Bull.gif Bull 10/5/2 100 0 0 2 0 0 100
Covern.gif Covern 60/30/15 300 0 20 38 28 8 8 Respawns after being destroyed
Kamer.gif Kamer 0 20 2 32 32 32 2 2
Kihunter (yellow).gif Kihunter 60/30/15 360 16 22 32 4 24 4
Skultera.gif Skultera 80/40/20 300 28 32 12 28 2 0
Workrobot.gif Workrobot 0 800 2 32 32 32 2 2


Enemy Name Damage (P/V/G) Health Nothing Small Energy Big Energy Missile Super Power Bomb Notes
Bull.gif Bull 10/5/2 100 0 0 2 0 0 100
Cacatac.gif Cacatac 20/10/5 60 0 0 0.4 0 101.6 0
Choot.gif Choot 80/40/20 100 2 24 24 24 24 4
Evir.gif Evir 100/50/25 300 2 32 32 32 2 2
Tatori.gif Kame (Tatori) 200/100/50 20000 2 32 32 32 2 2
Tatori Baby.gif Kame Baby 0 20000 2 32 32 32 2 2
Menu.gif Menu 60/30/15 100 32 28 8 32 2 0
Mochtroid.gif Mochtroid 90/45/22 100 2 24 24 24 24 4 Damages every 80 frames, keeps track of contact
Oum.gif Oum 0 300 30 28 12 28 2 2
Owtch.gif Owtch 100/50/25 20 2 32 32 32 2 2
Powamp.gif Powamp 100/50/25 10 0 0.4 0 0 101.6 0
Puyo.gif Puyo 60/30/15 100 2 24 24 24 4 24
Sciser.gif Sciser 120/60/30 200 0 0.4 40 0 0 61.6
Shaktool.gif Shaktool 120/60/30 300 2 32 32 32 2 2
Skultera.gif Skultera 80/40/20 300 28 32 12 28 2 0
Space Pirate (pink).gif Space Pirate (standing) 160/80/40 300 0 20 48 32 2 0
Space Pirate (pink) *wall*.gif Space Pirate (wall) 160/80/40 300 28 12 28 32 2 0
Yard.gif Yard 100/50/25 10 32 34 32 0 0 4
Zebbo.gif Zebbo 20/10/5 30 0 0 56 4 40 2
Zoa.gif Zoa 15/7/3 40 2 0 40 28 28 4


Enemy Name Damage (P/V/G) Health Nothing Small Energy Big Energy Missile Super Power Bomb Notes
Alcoon.gif Alcoon 50/25/12 200 0 0.4 0 0 0 101.6
Boulder.gif Boulder 40/20/10 20 102 0 0 0 0 0
Cacatac.gif Cacatac 20/10/5 60 0 0 0.4 0 101.6 0
Dessgeega.gif Dessgeega 160/80/40 800 38 32 8 20 2 2
Dragon.gif Dragon 24/12/6 300 30 20 20 28 2 2
Fireflea.gif Fireflea 4/2/1 20 0 0 0.4 0 0 101.6
Fune.gif Fune 10/5/2 20 2 32 32 32 2 2 Have to kago inside to take this damage
Gamet.gif Gamet 16/8/4 20 2 24 24 24 24 4
Geemer (grey).gif Geemer 5/2/1 15 40 52 8 0 0 2
Geruta.gif Geruta 60/30/15 120 2 24 24 24 24 4
Holtz.gif Holtz 120/60/30 900 0 0 48 20 20 14
Kago.gif Kago 0 1600 2 20 36 28 8 8
Kamer.gif Kamer 0 20 2 32 32 32 2 2
Kihunter (red).gif Kihunter 200/100/50 1800 8 14 48 4 24 4
Magdollite.gif Magdollite 40/20/10 20 2 32 32 32 2 2
Mella.gif Mella 16/8/4 30 28 28 12 32 2 0
Metaree.gif Metaree 50/25/12 50 24 32 10 32 2 2
Multiviola.gif Multiviola 50/25/12 90 28 28 12 30 2 2
Namihe.gif Namihe 10/5/2 20 2 32 32 32 2 2 Have to kago inside to take body damage
Puromi.gif Puromi 64/32/16 40 102 0 0 0 0 0
Puyo.gif Puyo 60/30/15 100 2 24 24 24 4 24
Ripper 2 (green).gif Ripper 2 10/5/2 200 0 0 0.4 0 101.6 0
Ripper 2 (red).gif Ripper 2 10/5/2 200 0 0 0.4 0 101.6 0
Skree.gif Skree 10/5/2 15 54.8 8 1.2 34 2 2
Small Dessgeega.gif Sm. Dessgeega 80/40/20 120 0 0.4 0 0 0 101.6
Sova.gif Sova 20/10/5 40 10 32 28 12 20 0
Space Pirate (red).gif Space Pirate (standing) 80/40/20 200 78 4 8 8 2 2
Space Pirate (yellow).gif Space Pirate (standing) 200/100/50 900 0 20 48 32 2 0
Space Pirate (yellow) *wall*.gif Space Pirate (wall) 200/100/50 900 78 4 8 8 2 2
Space Pirate (silver) *fighting*.gif Space Pirate (fighting) 100/50/25 1800 0 0 60 2 40 0
Squeept.gif Squeept 50/25/12 300 2 20 20 20 20 20
Tripper.gif Tripper 0 20 2 32 32 32 2 2
Viola.gif Viola 15/7/3 30 0 0.4 0 0 0 101.6
Waver.gif Waver 10/5/2 30 2 24 24 24 24 4
Zebbo.gif Zebbo 20/10/5 30 0 0 56 4 40 2


Enemy Name Damage (P/V/G) Health Nothing Small Energy Big Energy Missile Super Power Bomb Notes
Blue Sidehopper.gif Sidehopper 120/60/30 1500 40 8 8 22 22 2 The Sidehopper that the Super Metroid attacks deals 80/40/20 damage and does not drop items
Metroid.gif Metroid 12/6/3 500 4 10 20 36 20 12 Damage amounts are per 16 frames
Rinka.gif Rinka 40/20/10 10 102 0 0 0 0 0
Space Pirate (Tourian).gif Space Pirate (all) 15/7/3 500 102 0 0 0 0 0


Most bosses have the same drop table, with the exception of Crocomire and Botwoon, who notably also have a chance to drop nothing.

Enemy Name Health Nothing Small Energy Big Energy Missile Super Power Bomb Notes
BombTorizo.png Bomb Torizo 800 0 20 20 20 20 22
Botwoon.gif Botwoon 3000 2 0 52 24 12 12
Crocomire.png Crocomire N/A 2 0 48 40 8 4
Draygon.png Draygon 6000 0 20 20 20 20 22
GoldenTorizo.gif Golden Torizo 13500 0 20 20 20 20 22
Kraid.png Kraid 1000 0 20 20 20 20 22
Phantoon.png Phantoon 2500 0 20 20 20 20 22
Ridley.gif Ridley 18000 0 20 20 20 20 22
SporeSpawn.gif Spore Spawn 960 0 20 20 20 20 22

Bosses (Projectiles)

Enemy Name Health Nothing Small Energy Big Energy Missile Super Power Bomb Notes
Egg.gif Bomb Torizo 800 21.6 46.4 8 26 0 0
Spore.gif Spore Spawn 960 10 4 8 80 0 0
Talon.gif Kraid 1000 0 4 14 80 4 0
Fireball.gif Crocomire N/A 2 0 48 40 8 4
Flame.gif Phantoon 2500 42 8 8 40 4 0
Mucus.gif Draygon 6000 40 2 12 44 2 2
Egg.gif Golden Torizo 13500 24 12 12 20 34 0

Links and Other Information

Table of commonly-farmed enemies and their respective drop tables