Category Details
The route listed below is the standard "early Crocomire" route.
The record listed above uses a different and typically more optimal "late Crocomire" route, which requires freezing a Puyo to clip into Shaktool's chamber, due to the lack of Grapple Beam, to access Spring Ball. It is unclear which route is faster if both are performed completely optimally, however this route negates Crocomire RNG entirely with the use of Plasma Beam, and has generally faster movement collecting Grapple Beam with the use of Space Jump/Springball, and X-Ray with the use of a Spikesuit obtained while waiting for Crocomire. This route is also risky as it is easy to lose time if the clip to Spring Ball is missed, requiring a reset of the room sometimes multiple times. It is not recommended to players unless they are able to perform this clip consistently. Additionally, due to delaying Crocomire, this route will leave the player with one less Energy Tank and Power Bomb expansion for Wrecked Ship than the route below, making traversing and surviving the area slightly more difficult in comparison, and making energy management for the following segment more difficult as well.
Additionally, there is a route deviation that involves acquiring Power Bombs before Kraid's Lair to acquire the Missile pack from the area during the initial visit rather than having to revisit Kraid's Lair later for it.
- Morphing Ball
- Missile (Awakening)
- Bombs
- Energy Tank (Terminator)
- Early Super Missile
- Missile x2 (To the right of Early Supers)
- Reserve Tank (In the hands of the Chozo)
- Missile (Below the bridge)
- Charge Beam
- Spazer
- Varia Suit
- Energy Tank (Kraid)
- Energy Tank (Hi-Jump Boots)
- Hi-Jump Boots
- Missile (Hi-Jump Boots)
- Missile (In center Cathedral lava pit)
- Missile (Hidden in ceiling right before Speed Booster door)
- Speed Booster
- Missile (Wave Beam)
- Wave Beam
- Energy Tank (Crocomire)
- Power Bomb (Red door directly left after Crocomire)
- Grappling Beam
- Missile (Grappling Beam)
- Missile (Lava tide)
- Missile (Next to green gate) in Crocomire Escape
- Missile (Hidden behind Power Bomb (Alpha))
- Power Bomb (Alpha), the any% pack
- Power Bomb (Beta), Green door left of elevator, hidden underneath the destructible floor
- Missile (Moat)
- Missile (Hidden to the left of the main Wrecked Ship shaft)
- Super Missile (Wrecked Ship East), past the robots
- Super Missile (Wrecked Ship West)
- Energy Tank (Statue above water, past all the spikes)
- Missile (Right of attic)
- Missile (Hidden in highest point of the mountain to the left)
- Missile (Hidden in ground maze to the left)
- Missile (Gravity Suit)
- Reserve Tank (Gravity Suit)
- Gravity Suit
- Missile (Bottom left of ocean)
- Power Bomb (Crateria), top right of Landing Site
- Energy Tank (Gauntlet)
- Missile x2 (Crumble shaft after Gauntlet)
- Energy Tank (Etecoon), accessed below Brinstar elevator floor, to the left - watch out for that floor
- Super Missile (Etecoon), green door to the left
- Power Bomb (Etecoon)
- Missile (Behind the Grapple blocks)
- Power Bomb (Hidden behind/below the above item's location)
- Energy Tank (Behind blue gate behind Sidehoppers)
- Super Missile (Spore Spawn)
- Missile (Charge Beam)
- Energy Tank (Behind/below Charge Beam's location)
- Missile (Green Hill pipe)
- Missile (Main Street)
- Energy Tank (Mama Turtle)
- Missile (Mama Turtle)
- Super Missile (Main Street), "Crab Supers"
- Missile (Hidden in right side of Maridian beach)
- Super Missile (Hidden in sand pit below a Choot)
- Missile (Same location as above)
- Missile (Draygon)
- Space Jump
- Energy Tank (Botwoon)
- Missile (East Sand Hole), drop down through the right sand pit
- Power Bomb (East Sand Hole), same location as above
- Spring Ball
- Plasma Beam
- Missile (Aqueduct), top right pipes of Aqueduct
- Super Missile (Aqueduct), same location as above
- Reserve Tank (West Sand Hole), drop down through the left sand pit this time
- Missile (West Sand Hole), same location as above
- Missile (Left over in Kraid's Lair, accessed with a Power Bomb)
- Ice Beam
- Missile ("Lower route" after Ice Beam - hidden directly left in the wall of Geemer shaft after entering room)
- Missile (Golden Torizo) - watch out for that floor too
- Super Missile (Golden Torizo)
- Screw Attack
- Missile (Mickey Mouse)
- Power Bomb of shame
- Energy Tank (Ridley)
- Energy Tank (Lower Norfair Fireflea Room), behind the Namihe, under the claw
- Missile (In front of pipe maze)
- Power Bomb (Below the door after pipe maze)
- Missile (Hidden left of "Three Muskateers")
- Missile (Top left green door in Bubble Mountain)
- Reserve Tank (Through a hidden path to the left of the previous Missile)
- Missile (Hidden inside the sphere closest to the previous Reserve Tank)
- Missile (Bubble Mountain), bottom right corner of Bubble Mountain
- X-Ray Scope
- Power Bomb (Retro Brinstar, above Green Hill)
- Energy Tank (Ceiling right past Construction Zone)
- Missile (To the right of the above location)
- Missile x2 (Above the above location, up the shaft and past the invisible bridge with the falling boulders)
- Missile (Below old Mother Brain tank)
- Super Missile (Crateria), hidden right of climb - bomb first platform on right side and shinespark up shaft
- Missile (Final), first left Parlor door after climb
Apathae - Covers the previous version of the route which took care of the "Gauntlet" area before Tourian instead of before Brinstar clean-up.
Kronicsauce (Part 1 of 8) - Covers both "Gauntlet" options.
Anaconda - Covers the current route listed above and is geared towards beginners.
Sweetnumb & Anaconda - Another joint collaboration to explain 100% of 100%.
ShinyZeni - Explains high-level strats for the Late Crocomire route
Overfiendvip & Jack879 - Moondance route comparisons.